(spoken with a scream!!)

your wacky waiter with the bee's knees!!whatever weather, rain or other, my kitchen's always itchin' to cook up some honeyed art for eveyone!!so take a seat, check the menu, appetize with some eye-candy from the gallery before i feed you something hearty, humblebee!!...mold?what MOLD?

⬣ he/him
⬣ 19
⬣ Filipino
⬣ ADHD Bipolar (more like bee-polar)

X-LOG #05
subject: 4n-g3l

While initial tests already proved subject to an unreliable fit for the hive, the body could still withstand the sheer amount of viscosity it was put under at all times. Almost as if test subject's body had grown a sixth sense to tame the amber. Despite subject almost drowning multiple times, the amber resides deep, seeping through it's veins, nearly replacing every bodily fluid. If hypotheses prove correct, subject will metamorphize into the hive's new Queen.Prof. Y has already deemed this particular subject to have too much potential to fail now.But as of late, test subject has been showing signs not laid out in any research we've done so far. Side effects we have no plan to mitigate.Specks of rounded shaped greens around subject's body. Seemingly where the amber flows hardest.Prof. Y has faith our subject will be able to adapt to the unprecedented side effect with ease, stating the example of how test subject has been proven to make the most of it's environment despite our rapid movement of different facilities.Still I worry. Subject has nearly drowned in the amber on too many occasions to not consider this new symptom a variable. I'll be observing closer, since Prof. Y won't be much help.

click for a better look!!


click for a better look!!